How To Visit The Wagah Border Ceremony

Late last year, as Autumn was drawing to a close I travelled to two incredible countries. Two neighbouring countries in Asia with very different ways of life. One a predominately Muslim country and one predominantly Hindu.

Everyday at the border between these two countries there is a bizarre but passionate ceremony to mark the closing of the border. It’s called the Wagah Border Ceremony.

This is an article outlining how to visit the Wagah Border Ceremony, including a brief history, timings and costs involved.

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Before we stuck into the details, here’s a quick video to give you a glimpse of what to expect!

The History of the Wagah Border

If you haven’t guessed by now the two countries I am referring to are India and Pakistan. Prior to partition in 1947 these two countries were under the rule of the British Raj. When Britain agreed to leave India, Gandhi had hoped for India to remain united as one country but this was not to be. Jinnah failed to believe that Muslims, as a minority, would be fully represented in India and eventually the separate nation of Pakistan was born.

“An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind” Mahatma Gandhi.

The partition museum in Amritsar tells the story of how the physical border came to be where it is now. The task of defining the border in this region was given to two officers in the British Indian army. One Muslim and one Hindu. They were friends who were soon to reside in separate countries.

They met on a baron piece of land and simply drew a line in the ground. One side would become India and the other Pakistan. It was as simple (and brutal) as that!

Pakistan officials at the Wagah border ceremony

The Wagah-Attari Border Ceremony – What’s it all About?

Today this place is known as the Wagah-Attari Border. Since 1959 military forces on both sides have practiced a daily ceremony to lower the flags and close the border. In this ceremony border forces, dressed in their respective uniforms, perform drills characterised by furiously paced marching and high leg kicking. Moves that might be more at home in a Monty Python sketch – think Ministry of funny walks!

The ceremony has grown so much in popularity that the border now has custom made stadiums to house all the spectators that come to watch.

Although the drills are performed on both sides, the Indian stadium is much bigger and boasts more of a party atmosphere.

I read an article by someone who didn’t want to recommend visiting the ceremony, as they believed it promoted animosity between the two nations. However I disagree. On the surface it appears that one side is trying to better the other with their respective chants and performances but it is exactly that – just a performance.

These two countries certainly have their differences but this ceremony is all very tongue in cheek and at the end of the day all spectators leave with a smile on their face.

High kicks associated with the Wagah border ceremony

How to Visit the Wagah Border Ceremony

Between the hours of 10am and 4pm the border is open and functions as a regular, albeit quiet border between India and Pakistan. The largest cities either side of the border are Lahore in Pakistan and Amritsar in India. Visitors can view the ceremony on either side. If planning to cross the border it is best to cross before 3pm.

You are able to cross the border and then stay to watch the ceremony, however bags are not permitted inside the stadiums. These have to be stored in lockers outside the border complex (50 INR). Lighters, cigarettes and anything that might be perceived as a weapon are not allowed at the border ceremony. Cameras and mobile phones are permitted.

As a foreigner you are not required to show your passport to view the ceremony but it is best to bring it just in case.

The best option to see the Wagah Border Ceremony is as a day trip from either Lahore or Amritsar.

From Lahore

Your hotel in Lahore can arrange a private taxi to the border. We were offered one for 2000 PKR. However we spoke to a local travel agent who arranged an Uber for 600 PKR.

From Amritsar

A private return taxi to the ceremony can cost as little as 1000 INR. Taxi touts will hassle any foreigners walking around the pedestrian area in Amritsar, so just be prepared to haggle.

The cheapest option for visiting the Wagah Border Ceremony is by shared minibus. The minivans can hold up to 15 people and it costs 100 INR. Tickets can be bought be the same taxi touts that hover around.

To visit the ceremony, we opted to take the open top bus. This cost less than 300 INR each for a return trip. The bus departed at 2:30pm and returned by 8:00pm. We enjoyed joining locals on the bus and getting into the party mood!


Times for the border ceremony will change in the winter, so just check with your hotel.

Two young girls wave Indian flags at the ceremony stadium

The Wagah Border Ceremony From the Indian Side

From the Indian side, after clearing the security screening you begin the long walk towards  the stadium. As a foreigner you are ushered towards the designated seating area which has prime view of the border gates.

At around 4pm the party really begins to wind up. A border official/PA guru starts to get the crowd suitably excited with chants of Hindustan, which is matched by chants of Pakistan on the opposing side. Then the crowd have a chance to get involved as they are invited to run along the parade area carrying the Indian flag. As the Bollywood music breaks out, ladies are then invited to demonstrate their best dance moves.

After yet more chanting, countless selfies and excessively loud music, the ceremony finally begins. Border officials dressed in elaborate outfits march along the parade area towards the border gate. At the end of their comical fast legged march, the officials throw some impressively high kicks and finish with a challenging pose.

This is repeated several times by both sides and finally the guards come together to lower the flags and slam the gates shut for the night. A completely bemusing but highly entertaining tourist attraction!

High leg kicks are the main feature of this border ceremony
High leg kicks are a staple in the Wagah Border Ceremony!

No trip to India is complete without doing a tiger safari! In this post you can read what to expect on a tiger safari in Rathambore, Rajasthan.

General Information for Your Visit to Amritsar

Where to stay in Amritsar

We stayed at a beautiful boutique hotel close to the Golden Temple called Hotel Krishnas by Urban Galaxy. The family were really sweet and helpful. No breakfast was included but the rooms were clean and reasonably priced.

Where to eat in Amritsar

Amritsar’s most famous dish is the Amritsari kulcha. A sort of Paratha stuffed with cottage cheese or potato. Kulcha Land, which has been operational since before partition, is the best place to try this local delicacy. For more information on local Amritsar cuisine take a look at this site.

Places to See in Amritsar

I put together this two day Amritsar itinerary which talks about visiting Amritsar in depth but here is a quick overview.

The Golden Temple

The Golden Temple is a must for any visit to Amritsar. This beautiful Sikh Temple is open to visitors from all religions and is free to enter. Include a visit to the kitchen which provides free food to any who need it. Visit at dawn or dusk (times vary depending on the time of year so check with your hotel) to see the holy book being carried into and out of the temple.

Everyone who enters The Golden Temple (or any other Sikh Temple) is required to wear a head scarf. You can pick them up for a few rupees in the streets outside. This applies to both males and females.

Knowing what to pack for a trip to India can be quite challenging. Take a look at my guide to packing for India here!

Partition Museum

This museum is great for providing some context before a trip to the Wagah Border Parade. It was the world’s first museum dedicated to partition. The museum, which is based in the town hall, contains videos, original artefacts donated by refugees, photographs and government documents.

Jalianwala Bagh

A historic garden housing a museum, gallery and several memorial structures dedicated to one of the darkest days in British army history. On April 13th 1919, British Indian Army soldiers opened fire on unarmed civilians who were celebrating a Sikh festival.  Without warning, soldiers were ordered to fire on anyone present and to keep firing until their ammunition ran out.

Brigadier General Dyer wanted to punish Indians for not obeying a notice that banned all meetings in public places. This horrific event became known as the Jalianwala Bagh Massacre. 

Golden temple is one of the best places to see in Amritsar
The beautiful Golden Temple in Amritsar

Final Thoughts On The Border Closing Ceremony

The India Pakistan Wagah Border Ceremony certainly is a very unique tradition. A tongue in cheek spectacle to end an otherwise boring formality. And a visit to Amritsar to view the Golden Temple is in itself worth the long journey north in India.

Have you attended the Wagah-Attari Border Ceremony? I’d love to hear what you thought of it!

India border officials/performers at the Wagah border ceremony

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In this post I provide information on how to visit the Wagah border ceremony. This is a border closing ceremony performed by Pakistan and India.

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Louise is an Adventure Tour Guide, Snowboard Instructor & Mountain Leader from South Wales. Through working as a tour guide and snowboard instructor, she has spent the last 15 years travelling Asia, Africa and the Americas. Louise is a published photographer and currently guides mountain trips in the UK.

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